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DIY Tag-Connect Cable

While browsing through KiCad, I learned about the clever Tag-Connect system. Given the high cost, I decided to replicate the design for myself.

Custom ST-Link V2-1

After my ST-Link V2 clone broke, I scoured the web for a way to build one from scratch. I ended up with a custom ST-Link with built-in UART VCP.

UR@B Battery Pack

For a first try, not a terrible attempt at designing my own battery pack for UR@B. It did save quite a bit of money.


The logical next step to Concept Micromouse v1. I still haven’t gotten to full maze solving, but it’s a step forward.

Concept Micromouse v1

With a week of winter break left, I tried my hand at designing a concept Micromouse to inspire our next generation of Micromouses for the DeCal.

Setting Up the CAN Bus on STM32

A little how-to on the basics of getting the CAN bus up and running on an STM32 microcontroller using Mbed or STM32CubeIDE.

BSWelder v1

It’s about time I stop soldering wires directly to lithium batteries so I salvaged a microwave transformer to make a cheap battery spot welder.

ATtiny10 - Tiny, Low-Cost MCU

Curiosity about the cheapest Atmel MCU led to the ATtiny10. Despite what at first may seem like severe limitations, it’s pretty capable.

Server Upgrade!

I started off my winter break by finally upgrading the Pi 3 that had been powering my website to a proper x86-64 server.


Just for fun, I wrote a simulator for the flood fill algorithm for the Micromouse DeCal I helped teach this semester.